Example 1: Pediatric Practice is Opposite The Published Scientific Evidence On Early Vaccine Safety

The title sounds like a troll, but I will make it precise and document it with more than two dozen citations below, each linked. The precise statement will be falsifiable by a comment if I’m wrong.

The last few years I’ve come to realize that much of what I always implicitly thought true, is in fact a mirage, and come to understand much about why the world is the very different way it is, and something about how we might all better reach enlightenment.  I hope to explain this in some technical detail, and in return spark comments that enlighten me. I will begin with an example in the field of medical science, but examples in other fields will follow later, as well as discussion of why such crazy examples exist, and general first principle discussions in natural philosophy. By natural philosophy I mean the methods and rationality of physics applied to all, including philosophy and the affairs and inner workings of people.

I begin by posting the draft of a review article I intend to submit for publication in The Journal of Pediatrics, after a few days to let any readers out there post cogent comments or citations I should incorporate. If and when I get referee reports and the like back, I will post those too, even if they make me look stupid, as well as any responses I send back.

   The Published Data Shows Early Adjuvanted Vaccines are Dangerous

Abstract: We survey numerous publications on injections of  antigens or vaccine relevant quantities of aluminum salts into infant animal models, all of which report that they induce autoimmune disease or  brain damage if they occur during critical periods in development or are sufficiently repeated. We survey epidemiological studies bearing on the same issues, and find they support similar conclusions. We are unable to find cogent support in the peer-reviewed literature for the safety of injecting vaccines into infants. We make a few predictions about what other proposed epidemiological analyses would show. We remark on previous surveys that have failed to include any of the evidence surveyed here.

In 2002 the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) convened an expert group to study safety issues with adjuvants in vaccines. Among their conclusions:

pervasive uncertainty [from] missing data on pharmocokinetics and toxicities of aluminum injected into humans… There seems to be abundant data concerning risk levels for ingested aluminum, but scant data about risk levels for injected aluminum. The oral minimum risk level, for example, appears to be in the range of 2–60 mg/kg of aluminum per day but there are no comparable data for injected aluminum.”[1]

Doctors had been injecting aluminum adjuvants into children for 70 years, committees of doctors and government officials had decided numerous times to inject more aluminum into younger children, but as late as 2002 nobody had empirical data on toxicities of injected aluminum [1].

Since 2002 there has been extensive research. Infants get hundreds of times as much aluminum from vaccines as they do from breast milk [2, sec 4.2; 3]. Although some had suggested adjuvants would be safe because “most of the aluminum that enters the body is eliminated quickly” by the kidneys [4], this doesn’t apply to the particular salts of aluminum used in vaccines, particularly when they are bound up with antigens [2,sec 4.2]. Indeed this appears to be a design feature in making vaccines effective. Injections into infant animals of simple antigens, never mind antigen-aluminum combos, caused long-term brain damage when the injections occurred during critical periods in development, even when such injections would have been harmless at other times [2,sec 4.4; 5; 6]. A purpose of the adjuvant is to provoke a stronger response from infants’ immature immune systems than they would normally be capable of [7], indicating that, in fact, injecting adjuvanted vaccines may be more stressful than injecting the antigens that cause the brain damage in animal experiments [2 sec 4.4].  Immunizing mice 8 times with an antigen was reported to cause systemic autoimmunity [8], as did hyper-immunizing them for tetanus [9].  An H1n1 vaccine caused narcolepsy in some children by instigating an autoimmune attack on part of their brains [10].   An entire issue of Lupus [11,table of contents at http://lup.sagepub.com/content/21/2.toc ] was recently devoted to ‘ASIA’ – autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants [12], with at least 9 papers each presenting data indicating numerous autoimmune problems are caused by vaccine adjuvants.  Injections of aluminum into infant rats and mice in amounts comparable to what human infants receive resulted in brain inflammation and damage [13, 2 sec 4.5], and in an experiment where an analog of the aluminum content of the US vaccine series, and of the Swedish vaccine series, were injected into infant mice, the US series resulted in huge behavioral deficits (and 50% heavier adult mice) and the Swedish series resulted in lesser problems [14].

Also there have been epidemiological studies. Aluminum adjuvant levels are highly correlated with autism within countries across time and across countries [2], they are correlated across the 50 states with a 1% rise in vaccine compliance rate being associated with 680 extra cases of autism or language impairment (SLI)[15], Hep B shots (given early, with lots of aluminum) are highly correlated with autism [16] and with learning disability [17], the number of vaccines in a country’s schedule is highly correlated with infant mortality [18]. For each 7 vaccines added to a country’s schedule, there  is associated a rise in  the infant mortality rate of 1 per 1000, regressed over the 34 countries with lowest infant mortality rate. The US currently has 26 recommended vaccines before one year of age, and an IMR of 6.22 [18]. Some of the above studies are largely equivalent to the existence of a hidden factor (which might or might not be rising vaccines) causing rising autism at the same time as rising vaccines (strangely enough like the arguments most often given for vaccine effectiveness), but the ones adding in geographic dispersion each add in another independent degree of evidence.

I’ve so far found  only a handful of relevant papers that have been or might be seen as evidence for the other side, as discussed below. Every single published paper I’ve found in the scientific literature that reports empirical data on injections of aluminum or antigens into animal models, reports data that includes causing autoimmune disease or developmental brain damage. Every epidemiological study I’ve seen that reports data relevant to whether injecting  vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants into infants reports data suggesting its damaging, with a few exceptions that have been claimed one time or another to support safety. I will review these below.

DeStefano et al [20] has been cited as reporting: “The Risk of Autism Is Not Increased by ‘Too Many Vaccines Too Soon’”[21]. Unfortunately this paper, as indicated in its title, “Increasing Exposure to Antibody-Stimulating Proteins and Polysaccharides in Vaccines Is Not Associated with Risk of Autism”, compares patients who received more antigens rather than patients who receive more aluminum adjuvants. This compares one group of vaccinated patients to another, and there is no reason to believe either group had more aluminum, nor in fact much reason to believe they had more or earlier vaccines, nor does the paper make such a claim. So they wouldn’t find a connection even if adjuvant aluminum were the sole cause of autism.

According to table 1 in DeStefano, DTP has 3004 antigens, while no other vaccine except typhoid, which hardly appears in the data set, has a large number. So what their study effectively compares are high-antigen patients, those who got DTP, who score over 3004 antigens, and low antigen patients, who got other vaccines such as DTaP but did not get DTP, who score several dozen antigens if they got everything else but typhoid. Their claimed results indicate that DTP isn’t dramatically more likely to produce autism than DTaP, in patients who also got other vaccines. What’s particularly frustrating about this is it looks to me like if they just reanalyzed their data to weight by adjuvant content rather than antigens, replace table 1 with aluminum table and process, they would have a more pertinent result.

Every health comparison between vaccinated populations and unvaccinated populations I’ve seen, except as discussed below, the unvaccinated populations were much healthier. For example, here is a chart comparing chronic disease rates of a large German government survey of their vaccinated population to an unofficial, self-volunteered, survey of over 13,000 unvaccinated children.[22]


Something over 1/4 of the US population has at least one chronic disease, but much fewer unvaccinated people seem to. But perhaps these results are fully explained by hidden factors, maybe the unvaccinated are generally skeptical of doctors, and so get diagnosed less, or maybe only the healthy ones fill out surveys. This is always true of epidemiological studies as well. It’s hard to rule out hidden factors.

Two studies compared vaccinated to unvaccinated in developing nations, one in rural Guinea-Bissau in the 1990’s[23], and one in the Philippines in the early 1980’s[19] Note that in both these places the early vaccine schedule consists of BCG (or TB), DTP, and OPV, in the first months of life, and measles or MMR at 18 months. The only vaccine in this list with injected adjuvant is DTP.  These surveys found large unvaccinated populations, but the unvaccinated were clearly more deprived than the vaccinated– as shown by data like access to clean water and mothers’ education. So hidden factors appear to clearly favor the vaccinated.

In rural Guinea-Bisseau, scientists polled 15,351 mothers of 6 month olds to see which infants were vaccinated, and then came back a year later to see who was still alive. Kids who’d gotten at least one vaccine had a relative mortality of .74 compared to kids who’d gotten none. After cluster, age, and other vaccines were adjusted for, BCG was associated with mortality (0.55 (0.36 to 0.85)). However, recipients of at least one dose of DTP  had relative mortality (1.84 (1.10 to 3.10))  and recipients of one dose of OPV had relative mortality 1.81 (1.07 to 3.05). Recipients of measles vaccine had a mortality ratio of 0.48 (0.27 to 0.87). When deaths from measles were excluded from the analysis the mortality ratio was 0.51 (0.28 to 0.95).[23]

A second study in Guinea-Bisseau reports that having previously gotten DTP in addition to OPV more than doubled mortality for kids in the pediatric ward up to 5 years of age compared to kids who only got OPV, from 6% to 15%.[24]

These results suggest that DTP, and possibly OPV,  are doing harm. A hypothesis suggested by the above animal data on early injections, is that DTP is damaging the immune systems of the recipients so that they die of various causes. Moreover, BCG is a scratch, not an injection, and it’s effectiveness is controversial [25]. A hypothesis consistent with these facts is that BCG vaccine is serving largely as a placebo, doing neither harm nor good but merely a proxy for propensity to get vaccinated, a hidden factor representing parental circumstances and child raising skills. If that is the correct explanation, then the true increased mortality compared to a placebo for DTP in Guinea-Bisseau would be at least 3. Since measles deaths were not a factor,  and MMR is given at 18 months and does not contain adjuvants, MMR could have a similar role here.

In the Philippines, Bloom et al looked at scores on intelligence test results at about 12 years of age for a  population surveyed on vaccines at 24 months. They found a sample of only 85 children who had received all of DPT, measles, polio, and TB, and  a control sample of 1022 children who had received none of them, out of a total survey of 1975 children. Note the survivorship bias in the data. Any children who died before age 12  either from receiving the vaccines or from not receiving them, were not counted, and its unclear whether children who developed severe problems like autism would have been included either. They attempted to deal with the  hidden factor bias by choosing matched members of the unvaccinated for the vaccinated, based on fitting a simple linear regression to features like mother’s education and water supply in home. They then found that the fully vaccinated scored about half a standard deviation higher on cognitive tests and were about the same height and weight as the fully unvaccinated, although they note “the matching of treatment and control groups may be imperfect if there are unobserved confounding factors that affect both vaccination and cognitive development. We therefore do not see our results as definitive.”

A problem with this is there seems to be an evident confounding factor. It seems likely that virtually every parent in the Philippines, or at least virtually every intelligent, educated parent motivated to invest in their children, would have as an important goal vaccinating their children. If basic intelligence has any meaning, it is highly connected to ability to succeed at difficult real world tasks on which other, less intelligent people, might fail; and this task of getting children vaccinated further folds in motivation to invest in children. Thus succeeding in this task seems in and of itself as strong a proxy for propensity to produce smart children as one could think to devise. By choosing to consider only fully vaccinated children, Bloom et al have selected a group that is fully 1.5 to 2 standard deviations ahead of the mean at this proxy, the top 85 out of 1975 individuals in the distribution, and the controls are all in the lower half of the bell curve, so the  mean vaccinated are perhaps 2.5 standard deviations ahead of the mean control in this measure of propensity to produce smart children. That they are finding only .5 standard deviation increase in test scores and no benefit in height from this factor suggests the explanation that the vaccines are causing a 2 standard deviation loss compared to a placebo. I would suggest they reanalyze their data to deal with hidden factors as in the Guinea-Bisseau studies, by comparing individuals who got at least 1 DTP shot to individuals who got no vaccines, and that they compare individuals who got only BCG to individuals who got DTP. I predict if they do, they will find results like the Guinea-Bisseau studies showing that the early adjuvanted vaccination is causing damage.

Another study[26] compared outcomes in a largely unvaccinated population in Papua, New Guinea, reporting almost opposite results to the Guinea-Bisseau study, eg they found DTP greatly decreased mortality rates.  This study attempted to control for confounding factors using the method of propensity scores,  “an efficient estimator of the
adjustment estimand, formed by an arbitrary set of covariates S; it makes no statement
regarding the appropriateness of S, nor does it promise to correct for any confounding
bias, or to refrain from creating new bias where none exists.”[27,p 349] The set of covariates they corrected for did not contain the type of proxies for parental circumstances and abilities that the above two studies controlled for such as whether there is water or a toilet in the home, or maternal education or vaccine status. As with each of the above studies, it appears highly likely that parents with a high prior propensity to vaccinate their children also have a high propensity to feed them well and maintain sanitary circumstances. Furthermore, they binned by set of vaccines given, so that a patient who had only BCG would contribute person-days to the BCG bin until they died or got another vaccine, say DTP, in which case they began to contribute person days to the BCG+DTP bin. This method inherently biases the bins for fewer vaccines to be over-weighted with data for younger patients relative to bins for vaccine supersets, and since in their data the mortality rate for the youngest patients was far higher than for older ones, this injects a substantial bias into their reported results.

We found one other study[28] that is sometimes presented[29] as evidence for vaccine safety. Smith and Woods compared neuro-psychological results for patients who’d gotten all vaccines on time, compared to patients who hadn’t, and found no substantial differences. This study has essentially the same crucial confounder as the Philippines study in that demonstrated ability to give all the vaccines on time is a real world intelligence test and intuitively a strong proxy for prior propensity to produce smart children. In this case they roughly compared the upper half of their distribution to the lower half, so arguably started about a standard deviation ahead according to this prior propensity. Note also they are comparing one group of vaccinated children to another, who might even have gotten vaccines earlier in some cases, just not at the right times. Note also that some vaccines might have been postponed because the child was in some way unwell, or because the patient had had a bad reaction to prior vaccinations, the latter of which actually serves to bias the lower vaccine group to contain vaccine casualties if such exist.

Two other papers are sometimes suggested as defending vaccine aluminum[30,31]. Mitkus et al and Keith et al model the aluminum level in infants blood, and compare it to an MRL based on feeding post-weaning mice aluminum almost until they look visibly sick, and dividing the amount it took by 30. Both papers concur that infants receive hundreds as times as much aluminum in their blood from vaccines as from diet. Keith found that the aluminum levels would briefly spike over the MRL but for the most part remained below it. Mitkus changed some of the underlying assumptions and found that aluminum levels stayed below the MRL. Two points should be noted about these papers. First, neither reported any empirical data whatever. They are models. Second, the MRL’s are not informed in any way about the toxicity of injected aluminum in neonates.

We note in passing that reference [29], Vaccine Safety: Examine the Evidence by the American Academy of Pediatrics, does not mention any of the papers surveyed here that suggest risk, and thus appears more as an advocacy piece than concerned with fully informing patients. It surveys numerous papers suggesting MMR does not cause autism. There are also numerous papers suggesting it does. This issue is beyond the scope of this review, which is concerned with vaccines given in the first year of life, particularly those containing adjuvants, neither of which apply to MMR.

Likewise,  The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence, and Future Studies from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies [32], selected its papers for review in a manner that somehow missed every single paper cited herein, except for [28]. They provide some additional citations to epidemiological papers not reviewed here that suggest vaccines don’t cause auto-immune problems, presuming their results are not explained by confounding factors, but no additional citations that are reassuring on the subject of brain damage or aluminum adjuvants. All of their attention regarding brain damage was focused on thimerosal.

It is widely believed that medical interventions are allowed on the market only when they have been proved safe, and that Doctors take an oath to “First, do no harm.” Our survey has found that not only is there no proof of vaccine safety in the peer-reviewed literature, the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence suggests that early vaccines are causing damage. It’s past time for medical practice to take note.


[1] Vaccine 20 (2002) S1–S4 Conference report Workshop summary Aluminum in vaccines

[2] Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA. Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism? J Inorg Biochem. 2011 Nov;105(11):1489-99  http://omsj.org/reports/tomljenovic%202011.pdf

[3] Infants’ exposure to aluminum from vaccines and breast milk during the first 6 months,  Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology Volume 20, Issue 7, November 2010, Pages 598-601 Dórea JG, Marques RC  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20010978

[4] http://www.chop.edu/export/download/pdfs/articles/vaccine-education-center/aluminum.pdf

Childrens Hospital of Pennsylvania, Vaccine Education Center, Q&A Volume 4 2012, Q&A Aluminum in Vaccines: What You Should Know

[5] M.A. Galic, K. Riazi, J.G. Heida, A. Mouihate, N.M. Fournier, S.J. Spencer, L.E. Kalynchuk, G.C. Teskey, Q.J. Pittman, The Journal of Neuroscience 28 (2008) Postnatal Inflammation Increases Seizure Susceptibility in Adult Rats


[6] Metabolic Brain Disease, Volume 26, Issue 3, September 2011, Pages 237-240, Peripheral immune challenge with viral mimic during early postnatal period robustly enhances anxiety-like behavior in young adult rats Konat, G. W.,  Lally, B. E. , Toth, A. A.,Salm, A. K.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21643765

[7] Vaccine. 2001 May 14;19(25-26):3331-46. Neonatal and early life vaccinology. Siegrist CA. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11348697

[8] Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity, Ken Tsumiyama, Yumi Miyazaki,Shunichi Shiozawa,,December 31, 2009  http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0008382

[9]Lupus.2012 Feb;21(2):195-202. doi: 10.1177/0961203311429816. Vaccine model of antiphospholipid syndrome induced by tetanus vaccine. Dimitrijević L, Živković I, Stojanović M, Petrušić V, Živančević-Simonović S. http://lup.sagepub.com/content/21/2/195.abstract

[10] Alberto K. De la Herrán-Arita, Birgitte Rahbek Kornum, Josh Mahlios, Wei Jiang3, Ling Lin1, Tieying Hou, Claudia Macaubas, Mali Einen, Giuseppe Plazzi, Catherine Crowe, Evan W. Newell, Mark M. Davis, Elizabeth D. Mellins, and Emmanuel Mignot.  CD4+ T Cell Autoimmunity to Hypocretin/Orexin and Cross-Reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Epitope in Narcolepsy. Sci Transl Med 18 December 2013, Vol. 5, Issue 216, p. 216


[11] Lupus February 2012 vol. 21 no. 2 table of contents at http://lup.sagepub.com/content/21/2.toc

[12] J Autoimmun. 2011 Feb;36(1):4-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2010.07.003. Epub 2010 Aug 13.‘ASIA’ – autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. Shoenfeld Y, Agmon-Levin .  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20708902

[13]X. Li,H. Zheng, Z. Zhang,M. Li, Z.Huang, H.J. Schluesener, Y. Li, S. Xu,Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 5 (2009) 473–479 Glia activation induced by peripheral administration of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in rat brains


[14] Administration of aluminum to neonatal mice in vaccine-relevant amounts is associated with adverse long term neurological outcomes  C.A. Shaw, Y. Li , L. Tomljenovic, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, V 128,  November 2013, Pages 237–244  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0162013413001773

[15] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535 J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2011;74(14):903-16. A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population. Delong G.

[16] Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997–2002 CM Gallagher, MS Goodman – Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2010 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170

[17]  Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1–9 years C Gallagher, M Goodman – Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 2008  http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F228343791_Hepatitis_B_triple_series_vaccine_and_developmental_disability_in_US_children_aged_19_years%2Ffile%2F72e7e518267e93f58e.pdf&ei=SpcoU7vFEcrzoATBzIDoBA&usg=AFQjCNGluMuqSbNoBgQt9NE_-k1NzsXIBw&sig2=USctJH2a8GMvwnJaQann8Q&bvm=bv.62922401,d.cGU

[18] Hum Exp Toxicol. 2011 Sep;30(9):1420-8. doi: 10.1177/0960327111407644. Epub 2011 May 4. Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? Miller NZ, Goldman GS. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/

[19] David E. Bloom, David Canninga & Erica S. Shenoy, The effect of vaccination on children’s physical and cognitive development in the Philippines, Applied Economics
Volume 44, Issue 21, 2012 p 2777-2783


[20] “Increasing Exposure to Antibody-Stimulating Proteins and Polysaccharides in Vaccines Is Not Associated with Risk of Autism” by Frank DeStefano, Cristofer S. Price, and Eric S. Weintraub,  Journal of Pediatrics (www.jpeds.com), DOI 10.1016 2013.02.001


[21] http://www.jpeds.com/content/JPEDSDeStefano

Journal of Pediatrics editorial, March 29, 2013,  “The Risk of Autism Is Not Increased by ‘Too Many Vaccines Too Soon’”

[22] http://vaccineinjury.info/results-unvaccinated/results-illnesses.html

[23] http://www.bmj.com/content/321/7274/1435 Routine vaccinations and child survival: follow up study in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa Commentary: an unexpected finding that needs confirmation or rejection BMJ 2000; 321:1435 Ines Kristensen, Peter Aaby, Henrik Jensen.

[24] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15297050 Vaccine. 2004 Aug 13;22(23-24):3014-7. Oral polio vaccination and low case fatality at the paediatric ward in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. Aaby P, Rodrigues A, Biai S, Martins C, Veirum JE, Benn CS, Jensen

[25] P.E.M. Fine, Variation in protection by BCG: implications of and for heterologous immunity The Lancet, Volume 346, Issue 8986, P1339 – 1345, 18 November 1995

[26] Benefits of routine immunizations on childhood survival in Tari, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, Deborah Lehmann,John Vail, Martin J Firth,  Nicholas H de Klerk and  Michael P Alpers, Int. J. Epidemiol. (2005) 34 (1): 138-148. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyh262


[27]Judea Pearl, “Understanding propensity scores“. Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference (Second ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-89560-6
[28] On-time Vaccine Receipt in the First Year Does Not Adversely Affect Neuropsychological Outcomes, Michael J. Smith, Charles R. Woods, Pediatrics Vol. 125 No. 6 June 1, 2010 pp. 1134 -1141 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2009-2489)


[29] http://vaccinepapers.org/wp-content/uploads/AAP-Vaccines-studies.pdf

American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2013, Vaccine Safety: Examine the Evidence

[30] Mitkus RJ, King DB, Hess MA, Forshee RA, Walderhaug MO., Updated aluminum pharmacokinetics following infant exposures through diet and vaccination, Vaccine 29(51) 9538-43 2011. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22001122

[31] Keith LS, Jones DE, Chou CH., Aluminum toxicokinetics regarding infant diet and vaccinations. Vaccine. 2002 May 31;20 Suppl 3:S13-7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12184359

[32] The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence, and Future Studies (2013) Committee on the Assessment of Studies of Health Outcomes Related to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule; Board on
Population Health and Public Health Practice; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2013/The-Childhood-Immunization-Schedule-and-Safety.aspx

38 thoughts on “Example 1: Pediatric Practice is Opposite The Published Scientific Evidence On Early Vaccine Safety

  1. I’m glad I found your article. The information is useful, interesting and well-written. You make beneficial points that I concur with and appreciate. Thank you for this top notch material.

    1. Thanks. I haven’t posted about it yet, but after some persuasion and seeking I found a journal that has promised to review it after some revision. I will of course, post the results of this when it happens, probably in a few months or something– these things aren’t instantaneous.

      Also, btw, have you seen this (relevant to your mumps post):
      Have you seen this?

      Also, I haven’t seen studies on Mumps immunity duration, but
      LeBaron et al 2007 Persistence of Measles Antibodies after Two Doses of Measles Vaccine
      shows that half the population has measles titers below 1050 two years after their last MMR booster, and
      Chen et al 1990 Measles Antibody Reevaluation of Protective Titers
      shows that if you have a 1050 titer, and are exposed to measles, while you won’t develop clinical measles, there is a 70% likelihood you’ll become contagious for measles and maybe have some flu-like symptoms. These together explain why you get so very many outbreaks of supposedly “vaccine-preventable” diseases in fully or nearly fully vaccinated populations. Herd immunity is a theory which seems to be falsified repeatedly by the data.

      1. Sure, I can explain more if you think my previous comment was not “substantive”.

        I will repeat each one the three points & also add a short explanation. In addition, it is up to you support your comments with evidence and avoid the use of fallacies (2nd point – below).

        1. your arguments are all the opposite to the evidence


        – MMR – Completed – ClinicalTrials.gov | Search Date: September 24, 2014 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1drA2F0bCNxOWG_GvQ8XmnkopEqrH484f1q1KeUJkCL8/edit#gid=771221639


        2. One example (please identify others by yourself): “cherry picking”
        Please let me know if you need a more comprehensive evaluation of fallacies used to support your viewpoint.

        3. Do you have unpublished research data (i.e., evidence) to support your statements?

        Please let me know if you need a more substantive comment.

        Best wishes,


        1. (1) Point 1 above is just a massive search of papers on MMR. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even cover MMR in the survey above, because MMR is about the only vaccine the defenders of Vaccines defend. So rather than bother wading through the vast literature on MMR, I looked into subjects like the safety of the aluminum in the vaccine series, and the safety of injections, and multiple injections at that, into young infants, which the authorities as far as I can tell haven’t researched at all. There it was much easier for me to demonstrate danger, because there was basically no literature on the other side to debunk.
          So why don’t you try addressing the critiques I have actually made?

          Incidentally, MMR is generally given after 1 year old, and doesn’t contain any adjuvant, so it is completely out of the scope of the above review.

          But if you can point me to papers on MMR (or any other vaccine) that are actual randomized placebo study (injecting actual placebos, not other vaccines) in children and following the actual health of the patients (not just whether they got clinical measles, or whatever the supposed disease being vaccinated was) for more than 4 months, I would love to have a list of such references. I’ve only found one so far, discussed in later posts, and it indicated TIV flu vaccine cause 4 times as many respiratory illnesses in its recipients as a placebo, thus indicating the vaccine was greatly damaging the immune systems of the children receiving it (albeit possibly, although not statistically significantly in that test, offering some protection against the vaccinated disease.)

          (2) I’m not cherry picking. I am looking at all the papers that I can find in the literature that address the actual questions I am researching. For example, all the papers I could find that addressed the question of whether injecting the aluminum adjuvants is safe. And all the papers I could find that addressed the question of whether injecting vaccines on the first day of life, and 26 vaccines in the first year of life, is safe. If you can point me to papers that are actually relevant to these questions that I have missed, I will be interested.

          By contrast, what the IOM did was to ignore all of the interesting physical questions, and randomly survey the literature in a way that succeeded in avoiding all the papers actually relevant to answering the interesting physical questions.
          If you can point out any papers that are relevant to the questions I am addressing, I am all ears.

          (3) No.

        2. 1. “(1) Point 1 above is just a massive search of papers on MMR. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even cover MMR in the survey above, because MMR is about the only vaccine the defenders of Vaccines defend.”
          Response: are you sure that MMR “the only vaccine the defenders of Vaccines defend”?

          2. “(2) I’m not cherry picking. I am looking at all the papers that I can find in the literature that address the actual questions I am researching.”
          I repeat (response): Yes, you are “cherry picking”.

          3. “If you can point out any papers that are relevant to the questions I am addressing, I am all ears.”
          Response: https://chaoticpharmacology.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/10393165_10152757749847859_6691078212584513453_n.jpg

          4. What about a research project to answer your questions (hypothesis)?
          Your results and conclusions have to be confirmed by independent scientists after reading the study methods (clearly described) in your paper reporting the results of your research.

  2. You still haven’t supported your assertion I’m cherry picking by pointing out a single paper relevant to my investigation that I haven’t reviewed.

    Relevant to my investigation might be:
    a paper studying injection of aluminum adjuvants in children or infant animals,
    a paper studying repeated injection of antigens in infants or infant animals,
    a paper comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals,
    a paper comparing children who got more and or earlier injected vaccines to children who got less and or later injected vaccines.

    Something like that.

    The truth of the matter is, you and the authorities are cherry picking and or attacking strawmen by refusing to address the dangers that have been demonstrated.

    1. 1. You do not want to understand arguments contradicting your preconceived ideas.

      2. Your answers attempt to deviate my questions and that is another fallacy (i.e., ignoratio elenchi).

      3. You want:
      “a paper studying injection of aluminum adjuvants in children or infant animals,
      a paper studying repeated injection of antigens in infants or infant animals
      a paper comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals,
      a paper comparing children who got more and or earlier injected
      Something like that”

      I repeat (point 4 in previous response): “4. What about a research project to answer your questions (hypothesis)? Your results and conclusions have to be confirmed by independent scientists after reading the study methods (clearly described) in your paper reporting the results of your research.”

      4. “You still haven’t supported your assertion I’m cherry picking by pointing out a single paper relevant to my investigation that I haven’t reviewed.”
      Re: please provide me the URL of your investigation

      5. More fallacies:

      6. Good luck with the sponsors to finance your research and the ethics committee.

      7. Please let me know if you need a more substantive comment.

      Best regards,


      1. I do want to understand arguments contrary to my ideas. You haven’t made any.
        I’m not cherry picking. I’m investigating questions, my investigation is written up in the post you are responding to. In particular, above, I’m interested in whether injecting multiple adjuvanted vaccines into infants is safe. I have reviewed every single paper I could find that seemed to bear materially on the question. So I’m not cherry picking in the slightest, and you have failed to provide any evidence I have.
        Such evidence would be citations I should have covered because they bear materially on the question.

        The papers I reviewed suggested its dangerous, so I’m not arguing from ignorance, I have in fact provided a positive case that vaccines are dangerous, as well as a literature search that appears to show an absence of evidence to refute the documented dangers.

        However, I’ll also point out its a logical fallacy if you believe
        that the statement
        “since I have demonstrated there is no good argument for vaccine safety, therefor they are dangerous”
        is an argument from ignorance.
        Normally if I said “since I have demonstrated there is no good argument for “X”, therefor NOT “X”. that would be an argument from ignorance.
        However for the specific case “X”= safety, it is not. This is because something is safe if you have confidence that it will not harm you if you do it. To have confidence in it, you need a strong argument for it. That’s basically the definition of confidence.

        So therefor, since I have demonstrated that the safety surveys are not informed by any evidence of safety regarding certain demonstrable threats, I have demonstrated actual danger.

      2. Nope; you just aren’t making any sense, Jorge. You’re not listening at all. Not one thing you’ve said has pointed out a problem with anything nat wrote. And here, you just list the names of fallacies, and don’t say where or how he committed them. You say “Re: please provide me the URL of your investigation” when you are on that very URL already. You say, “Your results and conclusions have to be confirmed by independent scientists after reading the study methods”–that would be a next step, but do you understand that someone has to propose and carry out a study for there to be a study? If you reject every proposal that a topic is worth studying on the basis that it hasn’t yet been studied, you would reject every study.

        You are batting a pure zero at logic and reason.

  3. I’ll take that as an admission that yet another vaccine defender can’t supply a single pertinent citation I haven’t yet found on the subject of whether injecting infants with multiple adjuvanted vaccines is safe.

    Or a single citation to a randomized placebo study– with saline placebo, not another vaccine– in infants, injecting some with a vaccine and others with a placebo, and following their health, not just whether they got some specific disease, for an extended length of time, more than 6 months. Currently the only such study I know found the vaccine damaged the immune system along with possibly providing protection against the disease, something which is very plausible in infants given the animal literature.

    And I say this in hopes of goading you into actually providing some useful citations, if they indeed exist, cause I’m genuinely interested in knowing what’s out there.

  4. 1. “I’ll take that as an admission that yet another vaccine defender can’t supply a single pertinent citation I haven’t yet found on the subject of whether injecting infants with multiple adjuvanted vaccines is safe.”


    Are you suggesting that I am a “vaccine defender” to present a “case” against my arguments?
    lol (another fallacy)


    “Or a single citation to a randomized placebo study– with saline placebo, not another vaccine– in infants, injecting some with a vaccine and others with a placebo, and following their health, not just whether they got some specific disease, for an extended length of time, more than 6 months. Currently the only such study I know found the vaccine damaged the immune system along with possibly providing protection against the disease, something which is very plausible in infants given the animal literature.”

    Response: Try a PubMed search query… Or maybe…

    EBSCO Discovery
    Google scholar


    “And I say this in hopes of goading you into actually providing some useful citations, if they indeed exist, cause I’m genuinely interested in knowing what’s out there.”


    It is your job (not mine).

    I wish you good luck finding a paper fitting your preferred research methods. It is actually a very convenient idea:
    Why (pseudo)scientists complicate things with hypothesis, data, statistics, and experiments?
    All we need to do is requesting a paper fitting their preferred research methods and failure to do that will cause that is for sure new (magical-)evidence of a new (pseudo)scientific fact.


    “The papers I reviewed suggested its dangerous, so I’m not arguing from ignorance” – Please read the definition of (Wikipedia URL above)


    Cheers 🙂

  5. I’ve not read all of this, but my initial reaction to what I have read is, do you really think Pediatrics is going to publish this? No way. I can guarantee that. This is not to say that I don’t agree with you, because I agree that vaccines are an assault on the immune system. But Pediatrics will never publish such damning information, not in a million years.

  6. The sad truth is that is that there is a lot of money to be made, so-called scientific papers have provided cover to continue promoting vaccines, the lawyers have all had their say, the profit machine rolls along, and there is simply no line item on the balance sheet for “children harmed.” Good people are unwittingly part of this setup because they’ve all been led to believe that vaccines are responsible for our freedom from childhood diseases, and the PR industry, undoubtedly paid by the pharmaceutical industry and probably from our tax dollars as well, is happy to promote the illusion that if not for vaccines, we’d all be dropping like flies. No one wants to rain on this parade. As Boyd Haley, PhD, who studied mercury, said of the mercury debate, it’s not about the science because the science clearly says that mercury is a potent neurotoxin. It’s about something else.

  7. I am a scientist. We make our living by breaking the mold, by PROVING an unlikely hypothesis. Look at stuff published in the highest tier journals (Science, Nature, Cell, etc.). They publish controversial articles on the front edges of science.

    If a researcher can prove something that few people believe, and a journal can publish the scientific paper that supports this new conclusion, they both win. What I’m saying is that the industry is designed to encourage radial new ideas.

    If someone COULD prove the dangers of vaccines, they would. They can’t, and so they don’t.

    1. Well not quite Max. Science operates by paradigms and paradigms are connected to things like power and belief structures. The quest for novelty tends to be tempered by that fact. Take the Pasteur institute as an example. That is a highly revered institution with a major amount of influence across the scientific board. There has been good evidence for sometime that Bechamp’s theories are the theories that are less wrong. The Pasteurian belief system will not just wilt and die as many interests will defend it via things like crowd belief mentality.

  8. I found your blog from your comment on the National Post today. I’m amazed to see science professionals questioning vaccine orthodoxy. I was also amazed to see the brief NP article a few weeks back on the private-foundation funded UBC vaccine researcher — that is, I was amazed to see such research, and amazed to see a mainstream publication cover it.

    Any rational discussion questioning the science and issues [the jaw-dropping blanket legal immunity given by the U.S. courts, for example] behind vaccines today is surprising since clearly vaccine manufacturers (as advertisers) are silencing all public discussion. I assume it’s these same advertisers who have, however, been very quick to send clear pro-vaccine messages through TV comedy (Jimmy Kimmel) and crime drama (Law & Order) lately, which makes the news media’s silence on vaccine ingredients, safety, efficacy, philosophy, and law more deafening.

    Gee, and I never used to give a thought to vaccines one way or another…but all good things come to an end, don’t they?

    Liz Sydney

  9. I only skimmed some of the papers you referenced, but a quick web search reveals that some of those papers you rely on most heavily for evidence of have been critiqued by other academics for having serious methodological flaws and logical flaws, as well as conflicts of interest (e.g., being funded by anti-vax organizations). For example, here are some critiques of [2]:




    If you are serious about wanting to find the truth, you would investigate such criticisms of each of the papers you cite and address those in your post as well.

    1. @salspagh, Except that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. It’s clear now to interested laypeople that disciplines in every corner of scientific research are tainted by corporate conflict. ‘Follow the money’ is now understood to be as true in science as it is in every other walk of life.

      The notion that any ‘evidence’ is proven beyond a shadow of doubt in some sort of perfect lab vacuum of blank-slate objectivity is beyond hilarious. The notion that academics and peer-review panels have no interests beyond seeking the grand truths of science has me spitting out my coffee and rolling on the floor in uncontrolled laughter.

      Vaccines represent a multi-billion-dollar industry worldwide. Individuals studying them critically and working against the massive pressure of corporate funding have little to gain and everything to lose. This suggests they are the most credible of all sources.

      Liz Sydney

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